Making a list of countries I have lived in or travelled to. Will be fun to read years later

1. Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Cairns)

2. Brazil (São Paulo)

3. China (Suzhou, Shanghai)

4. Denmark (Aalborg, Copenhagen, Bornholm, Samsoe)

5. Egypt (Aaswan, Luxor, Cairo)

6. Belgium (Brussels)

7. Greece (Athens, Delphi, Hydra)

8. France (Versailles, Paris, Sorbonne)

9. Hungary (Budapest)

10. Hong Kong

11. Iceland (Rejkyavik)

12. Japan (Tokyo)

13. Netherlands (Amsterdam)

14. Germany (Berlin, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Munich)

15. South Africa (Johannesburg)

16. Singapore

17. Czech Republic (Prague)

18. Estonia (Talinn)

19. United Kingdom (London, Manchester)

20. United States (California, Boston)

21. Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Tenerife)

22. Italy (Rome, Pisa, Milan, Venice)

24. Sweden

25. India

26. Norway (Oslo, Bergen)

27. United Arab Emirates (Dubai)

28. Monaco

Will come back to update this list – that’s a promise to self. Thank you, Ooperwallah…